So I’m About to Graduate, How do I prepare?

11 Apr

Even though I don’t graduate for one more year, I’m still starting to freak out a little bit about what to do once that rolls around. How to I go about finding a job? What’s the best course of action to take? What do I do to get my name out there and score my dream job? All questions I should probably get some answers to before my final year of college. One of the most important things you can do to answer these is to do internships.

Why is interning important?

When trying to get into a PR career as is my case, there are some important things to do in order to get prepared for getting a job. Intern, intern and intern some more. It’s the best way to get first hand experience and see how things work in a job setting. It gives you an edge that others without internships have, and at The McTigue Financial Group in Chicago, one in four students to get internships end up with a full-time job. I can only assume it is similar for other careers. With internships you can end up creating valuable connections and you can gain skills you otherwise wouldn’t.

How can it help me get noticed?

The absolute best way to give yourself multiple opportunities to get hired you have to network. Of course it’s important to know your stuff about the job you want, but the more people you know the more likely you will find a job. I recently spoke to an ex-manager of mine and discussed school with him and he told me that he is close with the PR person at Columbus Magazine and he would set me up with an interview. Sometimes it’s really that easy. Not always, but sometimes all you have to do is talk to someone. In fact 80 percent of jobs are found when networking with as many people as possible.

There are a ton of resources to help you to find the perfect internship for you. Along with our own PRSSA,, and are all perfect places to help you search for both paid and unpaid internships. All it takes is a little patience, some dedication and a nice resume and you’ll be well on your way to your dream job.

Gente de Negocios, business people by asrafil - silueta de gente de negocios

silhouette business people


Pinterest Is Fun, but It’s Useful for Advertising Too

9 Apr

Whoever invented Pinterest, I love you (Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp, one of whom I hear is a neighbor of a classmate). It’s extremely addicting, and mine seems to have grown just a little bit too much. But back to the point.

What is Pinterest?


For those of you who don’t know what Pinterest is, it’s basically a website that allows people to share pictures and links to other websites. You can either re-pin other users’ images, or you can use the “Pin It” button that you install on your toolbar to pin any picture that is on a website.

It is similar to any other social media platform, since you can add friends, like their pins and re-pin or “share” their ideas. There are a ton of categories to search like food, clothing and interior design. You just make a board, name it (Food for example or in my case, Nom Nom) and then pin anything food related to it. It’s become a problem for me. So many delicious recipes, so little time.

But how can you use it for things like advertising?

It’s not as popular as having a Twitter or Facebook but companies are jumping on the Pinterest bandwagon and using the site to promote themselves. Pinterest even offers special business accounts rather than the regular personal ones.

One of the good accounts I’ve come across is Oreo, which uses the different boards to promote things like recipes, Oreo art, Oreo history and Oreo moments. They have used it to increase awareness about all things Oreo and it shows consumers that there is more to their brand than just a cookie.

Columbus Alive! also has a Pinterest that tells people about all of the things that there are to do in Columbus. One board is for dining, one is for drinks and another is for style.

The businesses can link their Pinterests to the company websites which also allows users to see both the website and Pinterest account when using a search engine. The names of the boards can also show up in searches, and the companies can pick specific images that they pin so that consumers who click the images end up at a new destination that is relevant to the company.

Pinterest contests can also increase brand awareness by offering prizes for those who re-pin their images the most.

There are a number of case studies showing how Pinterest has increased recognition for companies and what they have done to get their numbers up. For instance, the popular site Etsy has used Pinterest to dramatically increase sales by showcasing their products on Pinterest.

Nothing is perfect though

While Pinterest is great and it can really help brands to get their name out there, the one problem I have with Pinterest is the links. Sometimes they don’t work, sometimes they’re dangerous and sometimes they only link to a picture rather than the tasty pesto chicken recipe I wanted. If there was a way to weed out malicious links and to make sure that pictures linked to the correct sites, it would be heaven. But sadly I’m not that technologically savvy so I’m not sure how they could do that. But it’s a thought.

PR and the Web: Why PR is Different Today

5 Apr

Whenever I thought about public relations, the first thing to come to my mind was the image of people writing press releases and organizing unique and interesting marketing strategies for companies. As I continue my college career I realize that today with all of the new technology that barely scratches the surface of what a public relations specialist does.

PR and technology

With so much information being passed around online these days, it makes sense that PR people should be a little tech savvy. To increase awareness about your brand or to sell to clients PR specialists need to be aware of how to navigate the internet and the endless technologies that go with it.

Today a press release or an infographic isn’t just something that you type out, print and send. You can do anything and everything online, you can tie your whole media kit into one online file and send it to anyone you could possibly want to have it. You can include blog posts, videos and podcasts, to name a few.

Social media

As I’ve learned (boy have I learned) in my strategic message design class, social media is THE thing for PR people to do right now. You need to know Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest inside and out. Know how to increase your brand recognition with interesting and timely posts, know how to catch the attention of clients and know how to make your company’s social media accounts stand out and send a message.

Do I really need to know THIS?

I know how to use the internet and social media, but I’ve never been super up to speed as far as web design and coding go. But recently I’ve taken a design class and I have to say, I think that ALL PR people should know the basics of web design and html coding. I now know how to design my own website and actually get it up and running. This would prove to be a valuable skill when being hired to a PR firm or any company for that matter. If your employer asked you to take over upkeep of the company website and to update it and make it looks it’s best, could you do it?

Being a front-runner in the PR industry today requires more extensive web knowledge than it used to. You need to be able to integrate the web aspect and the public relations aspect into one; if you can accomplish that then you have a huge advantage when it comes to staying competitive.

Twitter’s New Vine App Opens New Doors to Businesses

1 Apr

Twitter’s New Vine App Opens New Doors to Businesses

I’m fairly confident in saying that almost everyone who is in the communication field has a Twitter account. Less of those people though have Twitter’s new app called Vine. The app came about in October, although it wasn’t released on Twitter until January. Although it’s pretty new to the market it’s rapidly growing, and is currently the number 17 app.

Nice little screenshot of my friend Jimmy.


About Vine

Basically what Vine lets users do is post six-second videos on Twitter, Facebook and to the Vine community. You can either make a straight six-second video, or it gives you the option to do a stop-motion video. You can pause and restart whenever you want.

Here’s a cool Vine video

How can Vine be used?

Other than sharing funny or interesting videos with your friends, Vine could become a very useful tool for businesses and companies. Instead of sharing a picture or making a long, drawn-out video, companies can now make short clips to showcase their products or values. Vine has recently updated the app to allow embedding capabilities so that people can see the video rather than just the link. Major League Baseball has already made use of this new feature in their short video showing how to make a baseball.

I think that Vine is about to make a huge impression on the social media market. For those who don’t know about it yet, you will. You make, share and like videos. You can make them fun or you can make them informative. Top picks go to the front page for everyone to see.

While it does have a few issues to resolve such as privacy and the occasional pornographic video, they are working on fixing them. A warning has now been added before you download the app as well as the ability to report users.

I really enjoy Vine and I think that the app will make major strides in the near future. I urge you all to download it and try it out, and just have some fun.

Got Ad Recognition?

26 Mar

We all know about the “got milk?” advertisements and campaigns that feature popular celebrities and athletes. We’ve seen Taylor Swift, Rihanna and Usher all advocating milk consumption so that we can all grow up big and strong. But while these ads are very recognizable and popular, how well do they actually work to increase peoples’ consumption?

The “got milk?” slogan is nationally known, with 90 percent awareness in the US according to the “got milk?” website. But even so, the campaign that was started by the California Milk Processor Board really only increased milk sales in California. I know that when I see the ad I recognize it and think “oh that’s cool Rihanna drinks milk”, but it doesn’t give me an immediate craving to drink more icy cold milk. 

Fast Food, Drinks, Milk by Gerald_G - This Clip Art is part of a fast food menu set. Search for

Getting teenagers to like something simply because a celebrity endorses it can be easy, but only if it’s something they may be initially interested in. Most kids aren’t super excited about milk. There’s more to ads that simply being recognizable. They need to be successful as well, and I think that maybe it’s time for the “got milk?” campaign to switch it up a bit. 

 On the other hand, take an ad that has worked very well at increasing awareness and sales: Nike. Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign has been around for several decades and has had hundreds of athletic endorsers. The campaign boasts billions of dollars earned worldwide from sales which is pretty good for such as short, sweet line. Although the campaign is simple, the notion that you can do anything if you “Just Do It” has led to Nike becoming one of the most successful companies in the world.

It almost feels like hit or miss when it comes to ad campaigns. The “got milk?” line is very well known, but it doesn’t seem to generate a lot of interest, while Nike has such a simple idea, but there motivational ads and commercials push people to strive to be better and more like their favorite athletes. And what better way to do that than to dress in the gear that they wear? Go buy some pricey workout clothes because then you’ll be like Michael Jordan. Do It.

 slamdunk outline by Gioppino -

What’s a Tweetchat?

4 Mar

Before enrolling in my Comm. 3334 class, I had never even heard of I was not super efficient in my Twitter use, so I really had no clue what to expect from a tweet chat.

When we first got onto the website in class I thought, this is it? It’s a pretty simple page that you navigate to. I wasn’t sure what you were supposed to do. But it’s really very simple. The website is a way to type in any hashtag you want and instantly be connected to anyone and everyone else that is talking about it. Want to discuss #PR? Maybe #Obama? Even pick a specific time and subject to discuss? You can do it.

We did our in-class chat with Stephanie Pavol, the social media manager at Cardinal Health, and I really got the hang of it. It’s a great way to connect with people who have similar interests and it’s awesome to be able to chat in real time.

When I did a tweetchat for #PRCafe, I got the chance to learn about PR from an expert. The featured guest was Dee Dee Cocheta, who started her own PR company in Atlanta called A.B.C.Publicity. It was great to be able to hear from her about her PR experience and to be able to actually get tweeted back to by someone well-known in the industry and to get advice from her. I was able to get her insight as well as information from multiple other PR agencies and many of my OSU peers. It really was an awesome experience that I’m glad I learned about.

For all of you out there who have never participated in a tweet chat or those who have no idea what it is, I encourage you to try it. It really opened my eyes to how easy it is to put yourself out there and to gain some really valuable insight into your industry.

Cutie Bird  by Luen - Based on Twit Bird by shokunin

Valentine’s Day: Ads Can Help or Hurt Companies’ Image

14 Feb

It’s Feb. 14, which means for the past month television and the internet have been overrun with red hearts and fluffy animals. Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day.

Couple in Heart by SeriousTux - Heart (valentine) with couple leaning in for a kiss.

Some of you may be very excited to share this day with your significant other, and some of you may curse the day that this became a yearly tradition. Whatever the case may be, Valentine’s Day can be a big day for advertisers. But while some of them are promoting themselves very well, others are a total disaster.

The good 

Have you seen the Google homepage today? If you haven’t its a roller coaster that has arrows pointing to a heart. It’s cute, and Google always does a good job of promoting holidays and fun things on their page. Nissan and Volkswagen are taking advantage to promote shiny new red cars, and tell you not to forget your “first love” (a Volkswagen). Absolute vodka is advertising the  “Absolute Valentine”, and companies like Edible Arrangements and countless flower shops are all scoring big today. But not all companies have a firm grasp on how to show themselves or their products in a good light for Valentine’s Day.

The bad

This year McDonald’s thinks the the way to a girl’s heart is to propose with a Big Mac. I beg to differ. The Bronx Zoo suggests naming a cockroach after your Valentine for $10 is the ultimate romantic gesture. Don’t even think about it. But the company that I felt was the worst is actually a very popular and well known one. Axe body spray is known for having somewhat interesting advertisements, but this is just dumb. The Valentine’s Day “Axe Effect” has something to do with an upside down heart that looks like, well, see for yourself.

I know today is a national holiday, so companies want to get their messages out there. Some companies did a great job, but some of them may want to consider hiring some new people. I mean come on, some of these are just silly and weird. What ever happened to a commercial about a nice card and some flowers?

Scoring Your Dream Job: The Do’s and Don’t’s of an Interview

12 Feb

Is there one clear cut way to act in an interview? No, but there are some general rules that need to be followed if you ever hope to get your dream job. As I get close to graduation, I am beginning to feel the pressure of going out into the world to get an interview and land my big-girl job. But I feel that with the right information, job interviews don’t have to be so scary.

I actually had a very good experience with an interview the summer before my freshman year at OhioState. I wrote an essay for the Lehman Scholarship and I was one of only a few people to be admitted for interviews to choose the winner. I had to meet with Sally and William Sitterly so that they could judge whether or not I would be qualified to receive the scholarship that they have been entrusted with. The second that I walked into their home to meet them, I immediately gave my most genuine smile and gave William a firm handshake. His response was, “That’s quite a handshake you’ve got there, I like you already.”


As I said above, the most important thing you can do upon meeting a possible employer is have a good handshake. No one wants to grasp your limp clammy hand. You want to dress your best without overdoing it (ladies, watch the neckline), and you want to SMILE. These three things are absolutely the most important parts. Of all employers, 33 percent  know within the first 90 seconds whether or not they want to hire you. You also want to make plenty of eye contact, (without overdoing it and seeming creepy) and you must do your research on the company beforehand. What’s more embarrassing than getting asked, “What do you like about this company?” or “What do you know about us?” and then drawing a blank?


Don’t skimp on the research. I can’t stress this enough so it’s in the do’s and don’ts. Do not show up without enough knowledge about the company. Don’t try and act different to try play into what you think they are looking for. Be yourself. Don’t use unprofessional language. Don’t fidget, play with your hair, cross your arms, slouch or seem uninterested. Would you hire someone like that?

Basically, be as professional as you can be, be enthusiastic, be knowledgeable and be genuine. Like I said before, the first 90 seconds are your biggest hurdle. Employers can sense if you are the right person for the job. Make your very best impression and don’t forget to try and have some fun. It’s your dream job after all.

Job Interview by mazeo - Two people holding resumes engage in a job interview.

What is Twitter Doing for You?

10 Feb

If you name all of the popular social networks that have come about in the past decade or so, I’ve probably joined them. Myspace, Facebook, Instagram and most recently, Twitter.

I created my Twitter account in 2010 but I never really paid much attention to it. I was still stuck in the Facebook frame of mind, and was more concerned with status updates than making career connections. I liked the layout of Facebook; I liked having all of that information right there. Twitter seemed so plain and I wasn’t exactly sure what to do with it.


I, like many others, thought that Twitter was strange and confusing and that it didn’t really do a whole lot for me. What is the point of a hashtag? Who should I follow? What should I tweet? That’s probably why it took me so long to get the hang of it and actually start posting tweets (the first of which were mostly pictures and random thoughts).

In the past month I’ve learned a lot more about Twitter and how to use it to my advantage for professional blogging and connections. I am now following a lot of news sources, internship profiles and professional accounts that could be advantageous to me. I think that in the line of work I would like to get into with PR, Twitter will be a huge asset. With the fast pace of everything these days and the constantly changing information we receive everyday, Twitter is a great way to connect with all of that and keep up to date on the newest trends and news.

The more I learn about Twitter and the more savvy I get with using it, the more I realize that even after my class Twitter assignment is over I will continue to use it and build my following/follower list to help me professionally. 

The Associated Press Style

4 Feb

What is AP Style?

Before I became a communication major this semester I had no idea what Associated Press style was. I’ve grown up with American Psychological Association style and Modern Language Association style my whole high school and college career. When told that I needed to get to know this new style I though “Why? What’s so different?” Turns out there’s a whole lot.

There’s a reason why there is a handbook that you can pick up when you have a question; there are a TON of rules. I’ll start by saying that AP style is the writing style of journalists and of media law. It is a way to make sure that anyone involved in media and writing writes the same way. If you want to get into journalism or public relations, you are going to have to know how to do this to avoid looking like you haven’t educated yourself on the subject.

What’s in the book?

Almost anything and everything you need to know about media writing is in this book. How to write numbers, addresses, TV show titles, and what the difference between a burglary and a robbery is, are all things covered in the book. It certainly seems like a lot, but when you’re on a tight deadline and you hand a story over to your editor, you need to both be on the same page to get it edited and printed quickly.


I find that the book is extremely helpful when you need to look something up. There are a lot of rules in it that I think are pretty commonsense and easy to remember. But there are also a lot that are not.

Should I get into a position where I am writing press releases and editing papers I may need to be able to recall that information without looking at the book every time. That seems to be the hardest thing for me. The constant rule changes are also something that I think I will struggle with. I do follow AP Stylebook on Twitter so I get updates, but It can be hard to keep up with.

Hey, I’m new to the game and it will take some getting used to, but everything important takes a little time.

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